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http://www.100md.com 2017年3月1日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第5期
     [摘要]该文研究综合改良措施对农田栽参土壤微生态环境的影响,建立农田土壤改良的标准流程,以保证农田栽参的顺利开展。研究采用土壤消毒、绿肥回田和施肥改土相结合处理传统农田,通过观测土壤的理化性状、细菌群落多样性及人参生长指标等因素,发现综合改良措施可显著增加0~30 cm土层有机质含量,降低土壤容重,增加0~20 cm土壤营养元素含量,改变土壤细菌群落的多样性及组成,提高农田参苗存苗率,促进了人参生长。该研究表明土壤消毒、绿肥回田结合施肥改土的综合措施可有效改善农田土壤微生态环境,为农田栽参顺利开展提供参考。

    [关键词] 农田栽参; 综合改良措施; 微生态; 土壤消毒; 绿肥回田

    [Abstract] This study has revealed the change of the soil micro-ecology of farmlands, which used for ginseng cultivation, brought by comprehensive soil improvement. The process of soil improvement was described as follows: soil was sterilized using trichloronitromethane, and then perilla seeds were planted. After growing up, the perillas were turned over into the field and fermented, then organic fertilizer was added. Rotary tillages were carried out during the intervals. Physical and chemical properties of treated soil were measured, as well as microbial diversity, which was illustrated using 16s high through-put sequencing. The survival rate and growth data of ginseng seedlings were recorded. The analysis showed that after improvement, the soil organic matter content was increased and soil bulk density was decreased, compare to the controls, and the fertility in 0-20 cm of soil layer was increased in the treatment. Additionally, the soil microbial diversity was changed greatly. In detail, alpha diversity of the soil decreased after soil improvement while the beta diversity increased. In order to verify the achievement of soil improvement, ginseng seedlings were planted. Compared to the untreated land blocks, the survival rate of ginseng on improved blocks was increased up to 21.4%, and the ginseng physiological index were all better than the controls. Results showed that comprehensive soil improvements including soil sterilization, green manure planting and organic fertilization application effectively improved the soil micro-ecology in farmlands. This study will pave the way for the future standardization of ginseng cultivation on farmlands.
, http://www.100md.com
    [Key words] ginseng cultivation on farmlands; comprehensive soil improvement; soil micro-ecology; soil sterilization; green manure planting

    人參Panax ginseng C. A. Mey是传统名贵药材,有“百草之王”的美誉,中国是人参主产国,其栽培面积和产量均居世界首位[1]。中国主要的栽参模式为伐林栽参,森林资源破坏性强,生态压力大,目前每年用于人参栽培所消耗的林地达上万亩[2],很多老参区已基本无林可伐[3]。人参是多年生忌根植物,连作障碍问题严重,极大制约了人参产业的可持续发展[4]。人参的忌地性加重参地资源的紧缺,新参地资源的发掘势在必行。农田栽参是利用传统田地进行休耕种植人参,可实现传统作物与人参轮作,从而解决参林争地的矛盾,是人参种植的发展方向[5]

    土壤是人参赖以生存的物质基础,其理化性质,微生物组成与人参生长发育、产量与质量都密切相关。农田土与林区腐殖土相比,有机质含量低,土壤肥力较差,孔隙度小,容重大,不利于人参生长[6-7]。因此,栽培前的土壤改良是农田栽参的关键。然而土壤微生态环境的复合因素影响人参生长发育、产量与质量,单一措施无法有效改善农田的微生态环境。已有报道,土壤消毒能有效杀灭土壤中病原菌,减轻土传病害[8],绿肥回田不但改变土壤的结构而且对病虫害有抑制作用[9],施肥改土增加土壤肥力,保证人参的顺利生长[10]。因此,可以认为多种措施的综合使用能够促进农田栽参的有效开展。, 百拇医药(徐江 董林林 王瑞 牛玮浩 张乃嘦 藤原直树 沈亮 李西文 陈士林)
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