[关键词]银杏叶片; 物理指纹谱; 颗粒工程; 质量源于设计; 多变量分析Application of
[Abstract]In this paper, the granules intermediate prepared from the wet granulation process of ginkgo leaf tablet were taken as the research object, and then the stackability, homogeneity, flowability, compressibility and stability of granules were characterized by using micromeritics evaluation method The physical fingerprint of granules were constructed by 16 indexes including bulk density, tapped density, span, width, relative homogeneity index, aspect ratio, Hausner ratio, angle of repose, granule flow time, interparticle porosity, Carr index, specific surface area, pore volume, pore size distribution, loss on drying and hygroscopicity Furthermore, compressibility parameters (ie index of parameter, index of parametric profile and index of good compression) were employed to analyze the compressibility characteristics of the granules Two principal components (first principal component representing dimension parameter and second principal component representing morphology parameter), could be extracted from the physical fingerprint by the principal component analysis (PCA) The granules′ physical fingerprint is of great importance to evaluate the batchtobatch quality consistency of Ginkgo biloba granules and analyze the potential impacts of granules′ quality attributes on product quality, which can provide guidance for the granules′ quality control and process development
[Key words]ginkgo leaf tablet; physical fingerprint; particle engineering; quality by design; multivariate analysis
“安全有效、稳定可控”是药品研发和生产首要遵循原则。人用药品注册技术标准国际协调会(ICH)在2009 年发布的ICH Q8(R2)中提出药品质量源于设计(quality by design,QbD)[1],强调对原料质量属性、生产工艺和产品质量属性之间关系的透彻理解,以科学可靠的方法和过程风险管理为支撑,将药品质量控制从终端产品检验前移至药物设计、药品开发、工程设计和生产运营,从设计层次保证药品质量。目前质量源于设计方法广泛应用于化学/生物类新药和仿制药开发,以及药品生产过程质量控制[26]。
中药颗粒性质众多,包括粒度、孔隙率和表面形态等微观特性,以及由这些微观特征所决定的流动性、吸湿性和可压性等宏观特性。具备良好质量属性的中药颗粒不仅能使生产顺利,保证药品质量,增加药品稳定性,而且对药品成型性及其生物药剂学特性(如溶出、崩解等)具有影响,甚至影响药品疗效的發挥[79]。本文采用中药物理指纹图谱评价方法[10],对银杏叶颗粒堆积性、均一性、流动性、可压性和稳定性进行综合表征,运用多变量数据分析对不同批次颗粒的质量属性进行评价和比较。(崔向龙 徐冰 张毅 张娜 史新元 乔延江)