[关键词]混合过程; 终点判断; 递增窗口; 移动块标准偏差; 在线学习
[Abstract]Blending process, which is an essential part of the pharmaceutical preparation, has a direct influence on the homogeneity and stability of solid dosage forms With the official release of Guidance for Industry PAT, online process analysis techniques have been more and more reported in the applications in blending process, but the research on endpoint detection algorithm is still in the initial stage By progressively increasing the window size of moving block standard deviation (MBSD), a novel endpoint detection algorithm was proposed to extend the plain MBSD from offline scenario to online scenario and used to determine the endpoint in the blending process of Chinese medicine dispensing granules By online learning of window size tuning, the status changes of the materials in blending process were reflected in the calculation of standard deviation in a realtime manner The proposed method was separately tested in the blending processes of dextrin and three other extracts of traditional Chinese medicine All of the results have shown that as compared with traditional MBSD method, the window size changes according to the proposed MBSD method (progressively increasing the window size) could more clearly reflect the status changes of the materials in blending process, so it is suitable for online application
, 百拇医药
[Key words]blending process; endpoint detection; increasing windowsize; moving block standard deviation; online learning
, 百拇医药
近年来,随着《工业过程分析技术指南》[2]的发布,越来越多的研究者开始尝试采用近红外光谱法[38]、拉曼光谱法[911]、化学成像[1215]等在线分析手段实现混合过程的在线监控。但对混合过程终点在线判断方法的研究仍处于初级阶段。目前常用的终点判断方法包括移动块标准偏差(moving block standard deviation,MBSD)[16]、移动块相对标准偏差(moving block relative standard deviation,MBRSD)[17]、移动窗F检验(moving window F test,MWF test)[18]与马氏距离[19]、欧氏距离[20]、软独立模式聚类[21]等定性判别方法和基于偏最小二乘(partial least square,PLS)[2224]等定量方法建立的主要活性成分的定量模型等。其中通过比较相邻光谱模块内光谱的标准偏差来判定混合终点的MBSD法成为目前国内应用最广的定性终点判断方法之一,但MBSD法阈值的设置具有一定的“主观性”[25]不利于在线判断混合终点,故本研究创新性的将混合过程的特点加入到算法中,以得到能客观、清晰反映混合过程物料状态变化的新的终点判断方法—递增窗口移动块标准偏差(dynamic size moving block standard deviation,DMBSD)。在3种不同药用部位的中药提取物粉末与糊精的在线混合过程中的应用表明,该监测方法终点的判断不依赖于将来的数据,更适于混合过程的在线监测。, 百拇医药(林兆洲 杨婵 徐冰 史新元 张志强 付静 乔延江)
[关键词]混合过程; 终点判断; 递增窗口; 移动块标准偏差; 在线学习
[Abstract]Blending process, which is an essential part of the pharmaceutical preparation, has a direct influence on the homogeneity and stability of solid dosage forms With the official release of Guidance for Industry PAT, online process analysis techniques have been more and more reported in the applications in blending process, but the research on endpoint detection algorithm is still in the initial stage By progressively increasing the window size of moving block standard deviation (MBSD), a novel endpoint detection algorithm was proposed to extend the plain MBSD from offline scenario to online scenario and used to determine the endpoint in the blending process of Chinese medicine dispensing granules By online learning of window size tuning, the status changes of the materials in blending process were reflected in the calculation of standard deviation in a realtime manner The proposed method was separately tested in the blending processes of dextrin and three other extracts of traditional Chinese medicine All of the results have shown that as compared with traditional MBSD method, the window size changes according to the proposed MBSD method (progressively increasing the window size) could more clearly reflect the status changes of the materials in blending process, so it is suitable for online application
, 百拇医药
[Key words]blending process; endpoint detection; increasing windowsize; moving block standard deviation; online learning
, 百拇医药
近年来,随着《工业过程分析技术指南》[2]的发布,越来越多的研究者开始尝试采用近红外光谱法[38]、拉曼光谱法[911]、化学成像[1215]等在线分析手段实现混合过程的在线监控。但对混合过程终点在线判断方法的研究仍处于初级阶段。目前常用的终点判断方法包括移动块标准偏差(moving block standard deviation,MBSD)[16]、移动块相对标准偏差(moving block relative standard deviation,MBRSD)[17]、移动窗F检验(moving window F test,MWF test)[18]与马氏距离[19]、欧氏距离[20]、软独立模式聚类[21]等定性判别方法和基于偏最小二乘(partial least square,PLS)[2224]等定量方法建立的主要活性成分的定量模型等。其中通过比较相邻光谱模块内光谱的标准偏差来判定混合终点的MBSD法成为目前国内应用最广的定性终点判断方法之一,但MBSD法阈值的设置具有一定的“主观性”[25]不利于在线判断混合终点,故本研究创新性的将混合过程的特点加入到算法中,以得到能客观、清晰反映混合过程物料状态变化的新的终点判断方法—递增窗口移动块标准偏差(dynamic size moving block standard deviation,DMBSD)。在3种不同药用部位的中药提取物粉末与糊精的在线混合过程中的应用表明,该监测方法终点的判断不依赖于将来的数据,更适于混合过程的在线监测。, 百拇医药(林兆洲 杨婵 徐冰 史新元 张志强 付静 乔延江)