Origin of lifting and lowering theory and its herb pair study
GUO Zhaojuan, YUAN Yiping, KONG Liting, JIA Xiaoyu, WANG Ningning, DAI Ying, ZHAI Huaqiang*
, 百拇医药
(College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China)
[Abstract]Lifting and lowering theory is one of the important basis for guiding clinical medication Through the study of ancient books and literature, we learned that lifting and lowering theory was originated in Huangdi Neijing, practiced more in the Shanghan Zabing Lun, established in Yixue Qiyuan, and developed in Compendium of Materia Medica and now However, lifting and lowering theory is now mostly stagnated in the theoretical stage, with few experimental research In the clinical study, the guiding role of lifting and lowering theory to prescriptions?mainly includes opposite?role?of lift and lower medicine property, mutual promotion of lift and lower medicine property, main role of lift medicine property and main role of lower medicine property Under the guidance of lifting and lowering theory, the herb pair compatibility include herb combination of lift medicine property, herb combination of lift and lower medicine property and herb combination of lower medicine property Modern biological technology was used in this study to carry out experimental research on the lifting and lowering theory, revealing the scientific connotation of it, which will help to promote clinical rational drug use.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words]lifting and lowering theory; Chinese herbal property; historical origin; herb pair
东汉时期,张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》中运用六经辨证和八法属性指导临床,是升降浮沉理论的最早实践者。在其所创经方中,非常重视中药升降浮沉之性。其中对疾病的治法即是将发散太过之病予以收敛,收敛太过之病予以发散。以升降浮沉理论概括八法,即汗法、吐法、温法以升浮为主;清法、下法、补法以沉降为主;和法与消法则升浮与沉降并举。在《伤寒杂病论》的113个经方中,其中升浮方有54个,治法多为汗法,吐法与温法,代表方有麻黄汤,麻黄与桂枝合用,二者皆为升浮之品,辛温解表,开腠发汗;沉降方有46个,治法多为清法、下法与补法,代表方如桃核承气汤,方中桃仁活血破瘀,大黄苦寒降泄,下瘀泻热,二者合用,瘀热并治;中和方有13个,治法多为和法与消法,如柴胡桂枝干姜汤即为和中兼温化水饮之法[1,2]。, http://www.100md.com(郭兆娟 袁一平 孔李婷 贾晓玉 王宁宁 戴莹 翟华强)
Origin of lifting and lowering theory and its herb pair study
GUO Zhaojuan, YUAN Yiping, KONG Liting, JIA Xiaoyu, WANG Ningning, DAI Ying, ZHAI Huaqiang*
, 百拇医药
(College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China)
[Abstract]Lifting and lowering theory is one of the important basis for guiding clinical medication Through the study of ancient books and literature, we learned that lifting and lowering theory was originated in Huangdi Neijing, practiced more in the Shanghan Zabing Lun, established in Yixue Qiyuan, and developed in Compendium of Materia Medica and now However, lifting and lowering theory is now mostly stagnated in the theoretical stage, with few experimental research In the clinical study, the guiding role of lifting and lowering theory to prescriptions?mainly includes opposite?role?of lift and lower medicine property, mutual promotion of lift and lower medicine property, main role of lift medicine property and main role of lower medicine property Under the guidance of lifting and lowering theory, the herb pair compatibility include herb combination of lift medicine property, herb combination of lift and lower medicine property and herb combination of lower medicine property Modern biological technology was used in this study to carry out experimental research on the lifting and lowering theory, revealing the scientific connotation of it, which will help to promote clinical rational drug use.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words]lifting and lowering theory; Chinese herbal property; historical origin; herb pair
东汉时期,张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》中运用六经辨证和八法属性指导临床,是升降浮沉理论的最早实践者。在其所创经方中,非常重视中药升降浮沉之性。其中对疾病的治法即是将发散太过之病予以收敛,收敛太过之病予以发散。以升降浮沉理论概括八法,即汗法、吐法、温法以升浮为主;清法、下法、补法以沉降为主;和法与消法则升浮与沉降并举。在《伤寒杂病论》的113个经方中,其中升浮方有54个,治法多为汗法,吐法与温法,代表方有麻黄汤,麻黄与桂枝合用,二者皆为升浮之品,辛温解表,开腠发汗;沉降方有46个,治法多为清法、下法与补法,代表方如桃核承气汤,方中桃仁活血破瘀,大黄苦寒降泄,下瘀泻热,二者合用,瘀热并治;中和方有13个,治法多为和法与消法,如柴胡桂枝干姜汤即为和中兼温化水饮之法[1,2]。, http://www.100md.com(郭兆娟 袁一平 孔李婷 贾晓玉 王宁宁 戴莹 翟华强)