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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月8日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第17期
     [摘要] 随着国家对伐林栽参可用林地的逐步限制,农田栽参将成为人参种植产业发展的主要模式,而无公害生产是未来人参产业发展的重要方向。通过多年农田栽参研究数据及产区调研结果,该文制订了人参无公害農田栽培技术体系。该体系包括人参生态适宜性数值区划确定农田栽参栽培用地、无公害种植方法、田间管理、病虫害防治、采收加工及质量控制等内容。该文提出农田栽参土壤修复,建立病虫害综合防治平台,培育适宜农田栽培的抗逆新品种,建立人参无公害种植产地溯源系统等技术策略,以促进农田栽参种植产业的健康可持续发展。

    [关键词] 人参; 无公害种植; 生态适宜性; 土壤修复; 产地溯源

    Research on technology regulation of nonpolluted cultivation and

    strategies of Panax ginseng cultivation in farmland
, 百拇医药
    SHEN Liang1, LI Xiwen1*, XU Jiang1*, DONG Linlin1, ZHANG Naiwu2, NAOLI Fujihara3, CHEN Shilin1

    (1. Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medicinal Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;

    2. China Medico Corporation, Beijing 100062, China; 3. Tsumura & Co., Tokyo 1078521, Japan)

    [Abstract] As the limit of the usage of available forest land, cultivated ginseng in the farmland would become the mainly Panax ginseng planting mode, meanwhile the nonpolluted production technology would be the mainly development direction in the future. In this study, the nonpolluted cultivation technology system of P. ginseng was established based on the research results of field investigation in the cultivated regions. The system includes suitable planting regions selecting, planting method, field management, pest control, harvesting & processing, and quality control. Aimed at the serious issues in the cultivation, research strategies have been provided to guarantee the sustainable development of the ginseng industry. The patterns of soil restoration after P. ginseng cultivation, establishment the platform of comprehensive disease & pest control, breeding new varieties for high stress tolerance and resistance, and a traceability system for P. ginseng cultivation. In all, these strategies was considered to largely developing of the ginseng industry in the green and sustainable way.
, http://www.100md.com
    [Key words] Panax ginseng; nonpolluted cultivation; ecological suitability; soil remediation; origin traceability

    人参Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.为五加科人参属植物,其干燥根和根茎供药用。人参具有大补元气、复脉固脱、补脾益肺、安神益智等功效[12]。现代药理研究表明人参对调节中枢神经系统、强心、抗疲劳、提高免疫力等均有显著效果[3]。目前,随着经济发展和人民生活水平提高,人参用量逐渐增大。自2012年卫生部批准人参作为新资源食品在国内市场流通后,其需求量又持续上升。传统“伐林栽参”栽培模式对森林资源和生态环境造成了严重破坏,中国政府已明令禁止砍伐森林,规定25°以上的坡地必须退耕还林;加之人参连作障碍问题还未能有效解决,使得我国可用林地资源正逐年减少。我国人参产量占世界总产量的70%以上,参地资源骤减,导致人参全球范围内供需矛盾日益突出。借鉴国外人参种植方法,农田栽参将成为未来我国人参种植产业发展的主要栽培模式[4]。农田栽参不仅解决了参、林争地矛盾,还有利于人参的集约化经营和科学化管理[5]。我国“农田栽参”起步较晚,虽已有部分农田栽参土壤改良、种植方法总结,但其种植技术还不成熟[4,67]。为提高人参保苗率和产量,农田栽参种植过程中大量添加农药、化肥及菌肥等物资,导致生产的药材农残及重金属严重超标。因此,开展农田栽参栽培技术研究对提高人参质量和产量具有重要意义。, http://www.100md.com(沈亮 李西文 徐江 董林林 张乃嘦 藤原直树 陈士林)
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