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http://www.100md.com 2017年9月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第18期
     [摘要]为了从化学成分上研究长柱重楼是否具有重楼药材代用品的开发价值,该研究利用UPLCQTOF MS比较了长柱重楼和滇重楼的化学成分,并进一步利用HPLCUV同时测定了77株不同来源的长柱重楼中8 种重楼皂苷的含量。结果显示长柱重楼和滇重楼的化学成分相似,长柱重楼化学成分更为复杂,鉴定的22个主要共有峰均为甾体类化合物。不同株长柱重楼中重楼皂苷的含量具有一定的差异,其中药典规定4种甾体皂苷(重楼皂苷Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ)总量最高的为330%,最低的为0068%,8种甾体皂苷总量最高的为618%,最低的为071%。长柱重楼中78%的样品符合《中国药典》要求,整体质量较为稳定,可以作为重楼替代品种进行研究开发。

    [关键词]重楼; 长柱重楼; 甾体皂苷; 定性定量分析

    Qualitative and quantitative analyses of primary saponins in Paris forrestii
, http://www.100md.com
    HUANG Yuanyuan1,2, KANG Liping1, PENG Huasheng2, LIU Dahui3, HAO Qingxiu1,ZHAO Jialiu4, CHEN Min1*, HUANG Luqi1*

    (1 State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Daodi Herbs, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;

    2Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230012, China;

    3College of Pharmacy, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430065, China;
, 百拇医药
    4Lanping County in Ecological Industry Co., Ltd, Nujiang 673100, China)

    [Abstract]In order to study whether Paris forrestii could be developed as a substitute of Paridis Rhizome, chemical compositions of P. forrestii and P. polyphylla var yunnanensis were investigated by UPLCQTOF MS In addition, the contents of eight primary steroidal saponins in 77 batches of P. forrestii samples from different habitats were simultaneously determined by HPLCUV The results showed that P. forrestii and P. polyphylla var yunnanensis have similar chemical compositions, and all 22 major common peaks were identified as steroid derivatives Meanwhile, there were some differences in the contents of saponins in P. forrestii samples from different habitats The contents of 4 steroidal saponins in Chinese Pharmacopoeia ranged from 0068% to 330%, and the highest content of the 8 kinds of steroidal saponins was 618%, while the lowest was just 071% Moreover, 78% of P. forrestii samples were in conformity with the requirements of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, indicating that P. forrestii samples had relatively stable quality and could be further studied as a substitute for Paridis Rhizome
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Paris; Paris forrestii; steroidal saponins; qualitative and quantitative analyses

    2015年版《中国药典》[1]记载重楼来源于滇重楼Paris polyphylla Smith var yunnanensis (Franch)Hand.Mazz和七叶一枝花P. polyphylla Smith var chinensis (Franch) Hara的根茎。重楼中主要含有甾体皂苷类成分,目前已报道的有160余种,这类成分具有止血、抗肿瘤、抗菌、消炎、镇痛等药理活性[27]。重楼是云南白药、宫血宁、金复康口服液、楼连胶囊和季胜德蛇药片等中成药的主要组成药味[8],具有显著的临床疗效和经濟价值。

    李恒等对中国重楼资源现状进行了评估,发现重楼消费量大于野生重楼储存量的总和,导致重楼资源濒临枯竭[9]。随着重楼需求量的不断增长和重楼野生资源的减少,滇重楼和七叶一枝花的产量已经不能满足市场供应。重楼属植物长柱重楼P. forrestii (Takht) H Li在民间常做重楼药材使用[6,10],且长柱重楼具有易栽培、产量高等特性。《云南植物志》中也记载长柱重楼以根茎入药,用于无名肿毒、蛇虫蛟伤、腮腺炎、扁桃腺炎,主要分布于云南西北部和西部,西藏东南部 [11]。课题组前期资源调查时发现,长柱重楼在云南怒江州和保山市一带具有一定的野生分布和一定量的人工栽培。目前长柱重楼的化学成分鲜有报道,仅李朋等对7株长柱重楼进行了含量测定分析[12]。前期对15种重楼属植物研究时发现,长柱重楼具有重楼代用品的开发潜力。为此,课题组多次从云南怒江州和保山市收集了多批次长柱重楼,进一步研究长柱重楼P. forrestii (Takht) H Li和滇重楼P. polyphylla var yunnanensis化学成分的相似性,并对77株长柱重楼中的重楼皂苷Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ, H, V, 薯蓣皂苷和纤细薯蓣皂苷等8种活性皂苷进行了含量测定研究,为长柱重楼的开发和质量评价提供依据。, 百拇医药(黄圆圆康利平彭华胜刘大会郝庆秀赵加六陈敏黄璐琦)
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