[摘要]该研究应用超高效液相色谱飞行时间质谱联用对苗药头花蓼醇提物与水提物的化学成分进行分析与鉴定。采用 Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18色谱柱(21 mm×100 mm,17 μm);以010%甲酸水溶液(A) 010%甲酸乙腈溶液(B)为流动相梯度洗脱;流速为035 mL·min-1;ESIMS检测采用负离子模式。根据精确相对分子质量,结合数据库匹配进行结构鉴定。结果显示醇提物及水提物皆以黄酮类﹑多酚类及木脂素类成分为主,但醇提物与水提物化学成分具有明显差异,具体为:醇提物中的可水解类鞣质成分明显减少,鞣花酸的缺失,花青素类化合物的新增等。该研究为阐明头花蓼醇提物与水提物中的药效物质基础提供了重要依据。而且可以为基于“有效组分” 的中药新药研制提供基础。
[关键词]头花蓼; 提取物; 超高效液相色谱飞行时间质谱; 化学成分
Analysis of alcohol extract and water extract of
, 百拇医药
Polygonum capitatum by UPLCQTOFMS
ZHOU Wen1, ZHANG Liyan1*, XIE Limin2, QIU Lifang2, WANG Jingrong2, MA Sibu1,JIANG Zhihong2, TANG Jingwen3
(1. School of Pharmacy, Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guiyang 550002, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Quality of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Macao University of Science and Technology, Macau 999078, China;
, 百拇医药
3. Guizhou Weimen Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Guiyang 550004, China)
[Abstract]In this study, we used Ultra Performance Liquid ChromatographyTimeofFlight Mass Spectrometry(UPLCTOFMS)to identify the chemical constituents in both ethanol and water extract of Polygonum capitatum A Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 column(21 mm×100 mm,17 μm) was used for separation The mobile phase was consisted of(A) 010% formic acid in water and(B)010% formic acid in acetonitrile, and the flow rate was 035 mL·min-1 ESI source in negative ion mode was used for MS detection Structural identification was carried out according to the accurate mass and matching with database The results showed that flavonoids, polyphenols and lignans were the main components in both extracts However, the chemical compositions of both extracts were different, eg there are less hydrolyzable tannins, loss of ellagic acid and more anthocyanins in ethanol extract In a conclusion, this study provides an important scientific basis for identifying the active ingredients in P capitatum, which also help to reveal the pharmacological effect of P capitatum.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words]Polygonum capitatum; extract; UPLCTOFMS; chemical composition
頭花蓼为蓼科植物头花蓼Polygonum capitatum BuchHamex DDon的干燥全草或地上部分,收载于《贵州省中药材、民族药材质量标准》2003年版[1]。是贵州别具特色的苗药。具清热利湿、解毒止痛、活血散瘀、利尿通淋之功效,民间常用其治疗泌尿系统感染、血尿、湿疹、肾盂肾炎、膀胱炎、尿路结石等症[2]。目前,已有其化学成分研究报道,但不同提取方法化学成分的差异比较尚未见报道。超高效液相色谱串联飞行时间质谱(UPLCTOFMS)分析技术,具有分离快速、灵敏度高、可提供精确分子量等优点,并可以根据裂解规律对化学成分进行解析,已成为中药活性成分研究的最有效的分析手段之一[3]。基于此,本研究采用超高效液相色谱飞行时间质谱(UPLCTOFMS)方法,以头花蓼醇提物及水提物为研究对象,利用一级﹑二级质谱数据,鉴定头花蓼醇提物及水提物中的化学成分。从化学的角度阐明头花蓼不同提取方法所得的化学成分的差异,为该药的药效物质基础提供科学依据。, 百拇医药(周雯张丽艳谢立敏丘利芳王静蓉马四补姜志宏唐静雯)
[关键词]头花蓼; 提取物; 超高效液相色谱飞行时间质谱; 化学成分
Analysis of alcohol extract and water extract of
, 百拇医药
Polygonum capitatum by UPLCQTOFMS
ZHOU Wen1, ZHANG Liyan1*, XIE Limin2, QIU Lifang2, WANG Jingrong2, MA Sibu1,JIANG Zhihong2, TANG Jingwen3
(1. School of Pharmacy, Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guiyang 550002, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Quality of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Macao University of Science and Technology, Macau 999078, China;
, 百拇医药
3. Guizhou Weimen Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Guiyang 550004, China)
[Abstract]In this study, we used Ultra Performance Liquid ChromatographyTimeofFlight Mass Spectrometry(UPLCTOFMS)to identify the chemical constituents in both ethanol and water extract of Polygonum capitatum A Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 column(21 mm×100 mm,17 μm) was used for separation The mobile phase was consisted of(A) 010% formic acid in water and(B)010% formic acid in acetonitrile, and the flow rate was 035 mL·min-1 ESI source in negative ion mode was used for MS detection Structural identification was carried out according to the accurate mass and matching with database The results showed that flavonoids, polyphenols and lignans were the main components in both extracts However, the chemical compositions of both extracts were different, eg there are less hydrolyzable tannins, loss of ellagic acid and more anthocyanins in ethanol extract In a conclusion, this study provides an important scientific basis for identifying the active ingredients in P capitatum, which also help to reveal the pharmacological effect of P capitatum.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words]Polygonum capitatum; extract; UPLCTOFMS; chemical composition
頭花蓼为蓼科植物头花蓼Polygonum capitatum BuchHamex DDon的干燥全草或地上部分,收载于《贵州省中药材、民族药材质量标准》2003年版[1]。是贵州别具特色的苗药。具清热利湿、解毒止痛、活血散瘀、利尿通淋之功效,民间常用其治疗泌尿系统感染、血尿、湿疹、肾盂肾炎、膀胱炎、尿路结石等症[2]。目前,已有其化学成分研究报道,但不同提取方法化学成分的差异比较尚未见报道。超高效液相色谱串联飞行时间质谱(UPLCTOFMS)分析技术,具有分离快速、灵敏度高、可提供精确分子量等优点,并可以根据裂解规律对化学成分进行解析,已成为中药活性成分研究的最有效的分析手段之一[3]。基于此,本研究采用超高效液相色谱飞行时间质谱(UPLCTOFMS)方法,以头花蓼醇提物及水提物为研究对象,利用一级﹑二级质谱数据,鉴定头花蓼醇提物及水提物中的化学成分。从化学的角度阐明头花蓼不同提取方法所得的化学成分的差异,为该药的药效物质基础提供科学依据。, 百拇医药(周雯张丽艳谢立敏丘利芳王静蓉马四补姜志宏唐静雯)