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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第20期
     [摘要]黃芩黄连药对水煎自沉淀现象已被广泛关注,产生自沉淀现象的本质是药对中酸碱性活性成分相互作用形成难溶性分子复合物,本试验设计基于中药配伍后有效成分间的相互作用,探索将等温滴定量热技术(isothermal titration calorimetry, ITC)应用于表征黄芩药材质量的可行性,建立以活性成分群为指标衡量药材质量的新方法。以不同批次黄芩药材(包括市售的3批黄芩药材和市场上常用做以次充好的黄芩苗)作为研究对象,应用ITC分别测定黄连中代表性功效成分小檗碱(25 mmol·L-1)与不同批次黄芩水煎液间相互作用能量值,将小檗碱滴定空白水溶液的能量变化(251 μJ)作为空白对照,结果显示以小檗碱为标准物质,滴定不同批次黄芩水煎液中黄芩苷类成分的热量变化由高到低依次为黄芩A(-31720 μJ)、黄芩B(-29283 μJ)、黄芩C(-20895 μJ)、黄芩苗(-2153 μJ)。其中小檗碱滴定黄芩苗的热量变化显著低于3批黄芩药材。应用紫外分光光度法以黄芩苷计测定不同批次黄芩水煎液在最大吸收波长处的吸光度值。紫外测定结果显示,相同稀释条件的不同批次药材吸光度由高到低依次为黄芩A(0372)、黄芩B(0333)、黄芩C(0272)、黄芩苗(0124),且黄芩苗吸光度显著低于前三组。ITC滴定与紫外测定结果相吻合,证明ITC能用于表征黄芩药材质量,基于ITC建立的以一类活性成分为指标评价黄芩药材质量的方法是简便、科学且可行的,此试验为构建更加全面、系统地表征药材质量提供了新思路。
, 百拇医药
    [关键词]等温滴定量热; 分子相互作用; 紫外分光光度法; 黄芩; 质量

    [Abstract]It has been focused on that there will be precipitates when decoction of Scutellariat Radix mixed with Coptidis Rhizoma Precipitation was derived from interaction between acidic and basic compounds This study was based on the interaction between active ingredients after compatibility, strived to explore whether it was feasible to judge the qualities of different Scutellariat Radix by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), build a new method established to characterize the qualities of traditional Chinese medicine by taking a series of active ingredients as index We selected Scutellariat Radix (including three batches of different Scutellariat Radix bought from market and immature Scutellariat Radix which usually was used as adulterant) in different batches as the samples First, we used ITC to determine the binding heat of the reactions between berberine and the decoctions of different Scutellariat Radix The test showed that the binding heat of berberine titrated Scutellariat Radix was Scutellariat Radix A (-31720 μJ), Scutellariat Radix B (-29283 μJ), Scutellariat Radix C (-20895 μJ) and immature Scutellariat Radix (-2153 μJ), respectively We chose deionized water titrated by berberine (251 μJ) as control The heat change of berberine titrated immature Scutellariat Radix was much less than berberine titrated Scutellariat Radix Then we determined the absorbance of different decoctions of Scutellariat Radix by UV Spectrophotometry on the maximum absorption wavelength, and the result is: Scutellariat Radix A (0372), Scutellariat Radix B (0333), Scutellariat Radix C (0272), immature Scutellariat Radix (0124) The absorbance of immature Scutellariat Radix was also less than Scutellariat Radix The result of ITC assay was corresponded to UV spectrophotometry test In conclusion, ITC could be used to characterize the quality of Scutellariat Radix The new method to characterize the qualities of traditional Chinese medicine by taking a kind of active ingredients as index building by ITC was simple, scientific and feasible., 百拇医药(李桐 张昊 田学浩 王辉 任广喜 荆文 光徐冰 褚福浩 王鹏龙 雷海民)
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