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http://www.100md.com 2014年9月1日 简明梁 曹青青


     摘要: 为了更深一步的了解我国医疗事业单位改革近些年运行的情况,从医疗事业单位的绩效工资作为探讨的着力点,本文就从某医疗事业单位的绩效工资实施的情况,来探讨目前医疗事业单位绩效工资背后所存在的问题,根据绩效工资在实施中存在,笔者给予自己的看法和见解。

    关键词:医疗事业单位;绩效工资;浅谈Talking about the reform on the pay for performance in medical institutions

    Jian Ming-liang1, CAO Qing-qing2 (1.Xindu of Chengdu center for disease control& prevention, Chengdu Sichuan 610500, China; 2.Management Science School of Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu Sichuan 610059, China)

    Abstract:In order to know deeperly about the condition that the medical institutions reform operates in recently years in China . From medical institutions pay for performance as a focal point to explore , the article ......
