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http://www.100md.com 2010年7月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20107


    An Analysis of Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary HepaticCarcinomawith Spontaneous Rupture and Hemorrhage in 26 Cases

    Wang WeiChen Weiping

    【Abstract】Objective:To analyze the influence of diagnosis and surgical treatment of spontaneous ruptureand hemorrhage in patients with primary hepatic carcinoma(PHC) on prognosis.Methods:26consecutivepatients with spontaneous rupture and hemorhage of HCC who had been admitted to our hospital from January 2000 to December 2008 Were revieWed retrospectively.Results:Among the 26 patients:1 had been treated medical conservative management ;23 had been treated by operation,In those cases hepatectomy had been performed in 17 patients ,3 cases preform ed ligation of com mon hepatic artery,3 cases packing; TAE alone 3.Conclusion:The prolonged survival couldbe achieyed through accuratelv and timely diagnosis and treatment and For patients with spontaneous repture andbleeding of primary liver cancer,surgical resection should be performed. not only operation is safe and effective forhemorrhage due to spontaneous rupture in hepatocellular carcinoma,but also the resection of the tumor is still a mainmeasure for reducing the mortality in patients with ruptured PHC. ......
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