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http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20108


    Pays special attention to the information work to promote the hospital development

    Hong Liangzhong

    【Abstract】Now the society is the information society, as big as a unit, slightly to a department, and even an individual, needs every day various information, particularly the related party politics leadership, they when the formulation policy, the policy, the system or the job placement, the urgent need accurate information, will only then cause the related decision-making not to lose shape.

    【Key words】Information work; Hospital development


    现在社会是信息社会,大到一个单位,小到一个部门,乃至一个个人,每天都需要各种各样的信息,尤其是有关党政领导,他们在制定方针、政策、制度或安排工作时,迫切需要准确的信息,才会使有关决策不会走样 ......

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