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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109
     【摘要】随着医院药学的不断发展,静脉配置中心越来越受到人们的关注。静脉药物配置中心(pharmacy intravenous admixture service, PIVAs)是在符合GMP标准,依据药物特性设计的洁净间内,由受过培训的专业技术人员,严格按照操作程序进行包括全静脉营养液、细胞毒性药物和抗生素等静脉滴注药物的配制系统。


    Brief analysis vein disposition center significance

    Xie Youjia

    【Abstract】Along with hospital pharmacy’s unceasing development, the vein disposition center receives people’s attention more and more. The vein medicine disposition center (pharmacy intravenous admixture service, PIVAs) is in conforms to the GMP standard purely, the basis medicine characteristic design, by has received the training professionals, carries on strictly according to the operation sequence including entire vein drop note medicine and so on vein nourishing cream, cytotoxicity medicine and antibiotic configuration systems.

    【Key words】Vein disposition; Significance


    随着医院药学的不断发展,静脉配置中心越来越受到人们的关注 ......

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