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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109


    Anti-despondent medicine history and pharmacological treatment

    Zhang Jiexia

    【Abstract】Objective:To know of the development history of the antidepressants and to analyse the drug-use of antidepressant in treatment.Results:the use frequency of the antidepressant drug ant the amount gradually increase year by year. Conclusion: the new generation of the antidepressant are widely used in clinical because of the more extensive therapeutic range, the stronger effect and the lesser side effects.

    【Key words】Antidepressant; depression; depressive disorder; drug therapy


    伴随着现代经济的高速发展,生活节奏、精神压力也随着增大,抑郁症已经成为当今社会的高发病 ......
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