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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109


    Communication in nursing management function

    Wang Qian

    【Abstract】Communicates is refers to between the human and the human transmits, the exchange and the understanding information process mutually. Namely between the human and the human exchanges the thought that the viewpoint, the manner, the emotion and the information process. Nurses the superintendent, if can the ingenious utilization communication skill, then not can only do the work smoothly, earns subordinate’s support, higher authority’s trust, patient’s praise, achieves the predetermined goal, is the good nursing quality guarantee.

    【Key words】Communicates; Nursing management


    沟通是指人与人之间相互传递、交换和理解信息的过程[2] ......

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