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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 韩绍先 张济彬 周翠仙




    Lushui County 1997~2007 year pulmonary tuberculosis fashion trend analysis

    Han ShaoxianZhang JibinZhou Cuixian

    【Abstract】Pulmonary tuberculosis patient must conform to the DOTS principle in the hospital treatment fruit; Government’s support, the phlegm smear inspection, supplies the medicine uninterruptedly, the monitor, because the direct surface regards takes medicine, reduces takes medicine anomalous causes to bear the medicine production, increases the control white plague popular control difficulty, effective containment pulmonary tuberculosis epidemic situation spread tendency.

    【Key words】Lushui County; Pulmonary tuberculosis; Analysis


    我国自2007年将肺结核由丙类传染病列为乙类传染病报告以来,由于其流行因素的广泛性,发病率在我县一直处于较高的发病水平,居于全县各传染病发病的前1~2位,是影响泸水县居民身心健康的主要传染病之一,为探讨和分析泸水县肺结核发病特点,掌握其流行规律,为制定肺结核防治措施提供科学依据,现将泸水县1997~2007肺结核发病与流行情况分析如下 ......
