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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109


    proven prescription treatment cervical vertebra sickness lifts the partner

    E JiansheLi Sha

    【Abstract】Gets sick the different symptom according to the cervical vertebra, because dialectical asks, four to examine gathers the senate, utilizes, the proven prescription, Fang Suifa changes, obtains the good curative effect.

    【Key words】cervical vertebra sickness; After the time proven prescription; Dialectical treatment


    经、时、验方是祖国医学中瑰宝,虽方有古今之异,格调不尽相同,却是无数医学工作者长期临床实践智慧结晶,其科学性、实践性强,只要深入领会其要点,在治疗颈椎病时做到辨证无误,方证结合,其效如桴鼓,往往能收到立竿见影的效果 ......
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