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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109


    Discusses the traditional Chinese medicine treatment toxic hepatitis’s forecast shallowly

    Luo Yanzi

    【Abstract】The toxic hepatitis, the liver fibrosis, the fatty liver, the ethyl alcohol liver, the medicine liver harm and liver cirrhosis, liver diseases and so on liver cancer the society threaten one of now human health main diseases. According to the newest statistical toxic hepatitis and the hepatitis B virus carrier have 14% above the population infection in the middle of our country crowd.

    【Key words】Traditional Chinese medicine treatment; Toxic hepatitis; Forecast


    近年来病毒性肝炎,肝纤维化,脂肪肝,酒精肝,药物性肝损害及肝硬化,肝癌等肝病是当今社会威胁人类健康的主要疾病之一 ......

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