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http://www.100md.com 2010年9月1日 《大众健康·学术版》 20109


    Baby dental caries’ present situation analysis

    Jiang Xiaohong

    【Abstract】Objective: Guides the child to carry on tooth’s reasonable prevention, to promote the child health growth correctly. Methods: The child carries on the physical exam to 2-7 years old, discovered that the child contracts the decayed tooth patient number to assume the trend of escalation. Results: Dental caries’ diseased population accounts for total number of people 20%. The analysis causes dental caries’ reason, the instruction to protect tooth’s method correctly. Conclusion: Intervenes the treatment early, maintains the oral cavity is clean, forms the good hygienic habit, reduces the child to contract dental caries’ disease incidence rate, promotes the child health growth. ......

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