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http://www.100md.com 2013年3月1日 徐海霞


     【摘要】 目的 比较古代煎法、日本标准汤剂煎法、医疗机构煎法、古今结合煎法4种方法制备的银翘散汤剂,选择最优方法,为中药解表剂煎煮工艺的标准化提供依据。方法 采用高效液相色谱法,以主要药效成分的含量及4种煎法所测干膏率的综合评分作为评价指标。结果 古代煎法所制的银翘散综合评分最高,且重复验证试验结果稳定。结论 可将古代煎法作为银翘散汤剂制备工艺的参考标准,进一步规范解表剂标准汤剂的制备工艺。

    【关键词】 银翘散;标准汤剂;评价指标

    Abstract:Objective To compare the four kinds of Yinqiao Powder prepared by archaic decoction, Japan standard decoction, medical institution decoction and decoction combined archaic with modern technology, select the best method and provide the important theory basis for standardization of decoction technics of diaphoretic recipes. Methods The major contents of traditional Chinese medicine were determined by HPLC and used as the eva luating indicator as well as the ratio of dry extraction ......
