【摘 要】随着我国公共卫生服务项目扩大,高血压的管理也相应地引起了重视。高血压治疗方案由单一的中西服药治疗理念,转变成中医理疗、心理治疗、干预、体育锻炼等相结合,减轻、减少服药给肝肾功能带来的损害。我院从2006年开展了10项技术其中,耳尖放血治疗高血压取得了很好的临床治疗效果。截至现在我院共开展了33项中医适宜技术,均取得良好的治疗效果。
【Abstract】with the expansion of the public health service project in our country, it has caused the attention. Hypertension treatment program from a single Chinese and Western medicine treatment concept into traditional Chinese medicine physical therapy combined with psychological treatment, reduce the reduction of medication to liver and kidney function damage. Our hospital in 2006 to carry out 10 technology of the auricular apex bloodletting treatment of hypertension has a good clinical effect. Up to now ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 5786 字符。
【Abstract】with the expansion of the public health service project in our country, it has caused the attention. Hypertension treatment program from a single Chinese and Western medicine treatment concept into traditional Chinese medicine physical therapy combined with psychological treatment, reduce the reduction of medication to liver and kidney function damage. Our hospital in 2006 to carry out 10 technology of the auricular apex bloodletting treatment of hypertension has a good clinical effect. Up to now ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 5786 字符。