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http://www.100md.com 2007年8月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2007年第8期


    【关键词】慢性肾功能不全 银杏达莫注射液 热淋清颗粒

    The gingkodamoherelinqing treatment chronic the renal function be not whole clinical observation

    Zhong XiaYu CaiyunHuang Huanhe

    【Abstract】Purpose:study consociation usage the gingkodamo injection herelinqing grain treatment CRFclinical curative effect.Method:36 CRF sufferer is random to be divided into treatment set 20, the matched control be 16.Treatment set adoption the gingkodamo injection herelinqing grain common treatment;Matched control to compound salvia miltiorrhiza injection treatment.The examination use a medicine in front and back urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, creatinine clearance rate, cholesterol and glycerin three fat, HDL, LDL, whole blood viscosity, fibrinogen etc. item.Result:the gingkodamo injection herelinqing grain in the treatment CRF process, go up high HDL towards lowering blood pressure, improvement the blood flow to change to learn index sign and lower BUN and Scr to all have obvious curative effect.Conclusion:the gingkodamo injection herelinqing grain at the treatment CRF have good curative effect, worthy of expansion. ......

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