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http://www.100md.com 2008年4月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第4期
     【摘要】目的:评价子宫输卵管造影在观察子宫腔位置,是否有畸形、粘连,输卵管是否通畅,以及介入性输卵管再通术应用于输卵管阻塞的诊治价值。方法:本组共收集238例,常规子宫输卵管碘油造影,年龄:在23~42岁之间,原发不孕182例,继发不孕56例,96例行介入性输卵管再通术治疗,153条输卵管插管成功,129条间质部及峡部阻塞。结果:其中122条再通成功,9条通而不畅, 21例正常妊娠,术后妊娠成功率22%。


    Hysterosalpingography lipiodol imaging and interventional tubal re-Clinical application of

    TAN Feng1 WANG Yajie2

    【Abstract】Objective: To evaluate the Hysterosalpingography uterine cavity in the observation position, whether there are abnormal, adhesion, tubal whether the patent and interventional tubal re-used in the diagnosis and treatment of tubal occlusion. Methods: Group A total of 238 cases, conventional Hysterosalpingography lipiodol contrast, age: 23-42 years, 182 cases of primary infertility, 56 cases of secondary infertility, tubal 96 routine intervention in the treatment of reperfusion , 153 tubal intubation success, 129 and the Gap between the Department of the Ministry of obstruction. Results: 122 recanalization successful, nine-and poor, 21 cases of normal pregnancy and after pregnancy success rate of 22 percent.  ......

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