【摘要】经过近30年国内外学者的不断努力,对急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis,AP)的诊断和治疗取得了显著的进展。现把AP的诊断和治疗予以综述。【关键词】急性胰腺炎;诊断;治疗
Acute pancreatitis diagnosis and treatment
WANG Chengjiang LI Kezhe ZHANG Jingtao
【Abstract】After nearly 30 domestic and foreign scholars of the continuous efforts of acute pancreatitis (acute pancreatitis, AP) in the diagnosis and treatment have made significant progress. The AP is to be reviewed diagnosis and treatment. 【Key words】Acute pancreatitis; Diagnosis, Treatment
经过近30年国内外学者的不断努力 ......
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