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http://www.100md.com 2008年4月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第4期


    Reason analysis of caesarean birth 665 examples 

    WANG Wankui

    【Abstract】 Objective: In order to analyze the reasons result in the caesarean birth and its fittable symptom.Method: During 1998 to 2002, there are 2876 women experienced their childbearing in thishospital. We sample 665 from them to carry on a review analysis.Result: In 2002, the caesarean birth rate is 32.15%, which was 2.1 times to 1998 which was15.28% . During that 5 years, the average formation rates were 23.12 examples.Surgeryrefering draft showed abnormal childbearing course was 196 examples (29.47%); Secondly ,theposition of the fetus are unusual was 143 examples (21.50%) ;Fetus' head and mother' pelvisis unequal was 138 examples (20.75%) and so on;The social factor was 14 examples (2.11%). ......

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