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http://www.100md.com 2008年4月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第4期
     【摘要】随着现代医学的发展,机械通气成为重症监测治疗,急救复苏,麻醉手术中不可缺少的重要措施,它的应用为抢救患者争取了时间和条件,显著提高了呼吸衰竭患者的生存率,随着机械通气技术在临床的普及,需要长期或短期机械通气治疗的患者越来越多,机械通气患者在心理生理和社会方面对护士存在高度的依赖,因此做好机械通气患者的护理和良好的照护对机械通气治疗的有效性和此类患者的康复至关重要。 

    【关键词】机械通气;护理; 呼吸机;人工气道;呼吸道;预防;内套管;气管插管

    Patients with mechanical ventilation in the nursing strategy

    LI Fenglan ZHANG Chunyu

    【Abstract】Along with the modern medicine development, the machinery ventilates into the heavy sickness monitor treatment, the first aid to recover, in anaesthesia surgery essential important measure, its application for rescued the patient to strive for the time and the condition, remarkably enhanced the breath failure patient's survival rate, ventilated the technology along with the machinery in the clinical popularization, needs patient which long-term or the short-term machinery ventilated the treatment more and more many, the machinery ventilated the patient has the high dependence in the psychological physiology and the social aspect to the nurse, therefore completed the machinery to ventilate patient's nursing with to be good according to protects ventilates the treatment to the machinery the validity and this kind of patient is restored to health very important. ......
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