Depression body symptom and correlation factor research analysis
JIANG Maolian
【Abstract】Recent years many research had proven that the depression is the high prevalence rate, the high chronic disease incidence rate, Gao Ji the sickness burden and high suicide mortality rate frequent spirit vigorous sickness. , but often limited in the past to the psychiatry category, the custom emphasized the patient symptom, namely “three low” the symptom - - emotion was low. The thought is slow and the will activity drops, however, quite a part of depression patient receives a medical examination principal claim by no means emotion or energetic symptom, but is the body aspect symptom, near more than half will be leaked to such patient by clinician examines. In recent years, our country many scholars proposed one of Chinese despondent symptom diagnosis rate overseas low suppositions is the body symptom principal claim is higher than the mood barrier the principal claim. For the comparison take the emotion barrier as the principal claim and take the body as the principal claim despondent patient's difference, the author has carried on the thorough interview evaluation ill to 62 example patients, provides the help take the time as clinician to the depression early recognition and the treatment. ......
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