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http://www.100md.com 2008年5月1日 《人人健康·医学导刊》 2008年第5期
     【摘要】甲胎蛋白(AFP)是有卵黄囊及胚胎产生的糖蛋白,是肝细胞癌重要的肿瘤标志物。肝细胞癌变时AFP基因常被激活而强烈表达,转录成AFP mRNA和翻译成AFP,因此根据AFP mRNA的表达情况可判断AFP基因的活化情况,为原发性肝癌的诊断提供了可靠的依据,为临床治疗争取了时间。


    Armor embryo protein (AFP) and primary liver cancer early diagnosis relations


    【Abstract】Armor embryo protein (AFP) has the glycoprotein which the yolk sac and the embryo produce, is the hepatocellular carcinoma important tumor designated object. When liver cell cancer the AFP gene is often activated, but expresses intensely, copies AFP mRNA and translates AFP, therefore may judge the AFP gene according to the AFP mRNA expression situation the activation situation, has provided the reliable basis for the primary liver cancer's diagnosis, has striven for the time for the clinical care.

    【Key words】Armor embryo protein (AFP); Liver cancer; Early diagnosis

    原发性肝癌(primary hepatic carcinoma,PHC)是一种恶性程度高 ......
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