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[摘 要] 目的 探讨血清胆红素与老年冠心病的关系。方法 将77例老年患者依据有无冠心病分为A、B两组,A组为老年冠心病患者,共42例,B组为对照组,即老年非冠心病患者,共35例,分别测定两组患者的血清总胆红素(TBIL)、直接胆红素(DBIL)、间接胆红素(IBIL)水平,进行统计学比较。结果 A组患者的TBIL、IBIL明显低于B组(P<0.05),两组患者的DBIL未见统计学差异(P﹥0.05)。结论 老年冠心病与TBIL、IBIL关系密切,TBIL、IBIL降低的老年患者患有冠心病的风险明显升高。
关键词:老年 冠心病 胆红素
Relationship of serum bilirubin and coronary artery disease in elderly people
LI yanyan, Department of geriatrics, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029 China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the relationship of serum bilirubin and coronary artery disease (CAD) in elderly people. Method 77 elderly patients were divided into 2 groups, group A is the CAD group, 42 cases, group B is the non CAD group, 35 cases. The serum total bilirubin (TBIL)、direct bilirubin (DBIL) 、indirect bilirubin(IBIL) were examined and compared at the same time. Results The difference of the TBIL、IBIL was significant, group A < group B (P<0.05).There was not significant difference in the DBIL(P﹥0.05). Conclusion In elderly patients, TBIL、IBIL correlated with CAD. The lower TBIL、IBIL could predict the occurrence of the CAD.
[Key Words] Aged; Coronary artery disease; Serum bilirubin
中图分类号:R541.4文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-7484(2010)11-0015-02
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 回顾分析2007年1月~2010年9月在我院住院治疗的老年(≥60岁)患者77例,经过双源冠脉CT检查、冠脉造影等检查,分为冠心病组和非冠心病对照组。A组为冠心病患者组42例,男37例,女5例,年龄61~88岁,平均(78.74±6.38)岁; B组为对照组即非冠心病患者组35例,男26例,女9例,年龄61~90岁,平均(78.46±7.76)岁,两组患者均排除严重肝肾功能不全、急性感染等。两组患者的年龄、性别构成比、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白、血尿素氮、血肌酐、血尿酸、空腹血糖等比较,均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 血清胆红素水平的测定:分别对两组患者取空腹静脉血,测定血清胆红素水平。胆红素测定采用矾酸氧化法,测定血清总胆红素(TBIL)、直接胆红素(DBIL)、间接胆红素(IBIL),TBIL 正常值范围6~22μmol/L,DBIL 0~6.0μmol/L,IBIL 0~20.0μmol/L。所有患者近2 周内未服用抗炎药物。
1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 10 ......