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【摘要】目的 观察综合康复疗法对肘关节周围骨折术后关节僵硬疗效的影响。方法 将51例创伤后肘关节僵硬患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组给予中药熏洗、推拿、关节持续被动运动(CPM)、功能训练疗法。对照组给予中药熏洗、自行功能训练疗法。治疗8周后进行对比。结果 经过8周康复治疗后,治疗组的患者肘关节活动度明显高于对照组(p<0.05)。采用国际通用的刻度尺关节活动度测量法。结论 综合康复疗法对创伤后肘关节僵硬有显著康复疗效,治疗效果比较满意。
关键词:肘关节 僵硬综合康复
Abstract Objective: To observe the comprehensive rehabilitation effect in treating elbow stiffness after elbowfracture surgery. Methods: 51 patients of PTES were randomly diveded into treatment group and control group.The patients in treatment group were treated withmedicine fumigation, massage ,CPM and functional training, while the patients in control group were treated with traditional chinese medicine hot and functional training by themselves.Compare the two groups after 8 weeks of treatment. Results:After 8 weeks of treatment,the movement range of elbow in treatment group were significantly better than that in control group ......