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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 《中国保健营养·临床医学学刊》 2011年第11期


    [Abstract]To investigate standardized methods of the differential diagnosis of phobia and to improve the accuracy of diagnosis. MethodAdopt dual treatment according to syndrome differentiation to test the clinical effect of the differential diagnosis model for phobia, which includes seven factors asnecessary combination of symptoms, causes, inherent relationship, severity, duration, exclusion symptoms and non-basic organic lesion. ResultThere were significant differences between phobia and diseases associated with phobia-like syndrome. The core of differential diagnosis is the necessary combination of symptoms, causes, and inherent relationship. Exclusion symptoms and non-basic organic lesion are also important , however, it depends on specific situation whether these two factors can be adopted as the diagnostic criterion. Severity and duration contribute to differential diagnosis to some extent. Conclusion The differential diagnosis model of phobia has the advantage of precision, standardization and accuracy. ......
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