当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国保健营养·临床医学学刊》 > 2011年第11期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 侯良学




    [Abstract]Objective: TO study whether sodiumglycididazole(CMNa)has sensitizing effect in radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery for people who have early breast cancer. Method: 45 cases with early breast carcinoma were divided into A,B two group according to the age after breast conserving surgery, and they all were given radiotherapy. A group before radiotherapy does not use CMNa,B group before radiotherapy use CMNa and B group reduced radiation dose according to SER of CMNa. After 6 to 24 months follow-up,therapeutic and beautifying effect as well as advertise effect of the treatment modality were observed. Result:A, B two group effects in therapeutic and beautifying effect as well as advertise effect of the treatment of no statistical difference. Conclusion: CMNa dose has sensitizing effect in radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery for people who have early breast cancer and dose not increase in side effects. In the end, the medicine is recommendable in radiation field.

    key Word:Sodium glycididazole(CMNa) Early breast cancerBreast conserving surgeryRadiotherapy

    中图分类号:R730.53 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-7484(2011)11-0075-03


    1.1 病例选择


    General clinical characteristics of the patients included in this study

    CharacteristicsNumber of patients(n)Percentage(%)





    Tum or size(diameter)


    Number of positive nodes




    Histological type

    Ductal carcinoma in situ1942.2%

    Invasive ductal carcinoma613.3%

    Invasive lobular carcinoma817.8%


    1.2 手术方法


    1.3 用药方法


    1.4 术后放疗


    1.4.1 所有病人均采用仰卧位于乳腺定位托架上,托架的各种各参数设置必须保证病人体位舒适,被照射靶区充分暴露并使胸骨呈相对水平位置,病人体表标志性位置放置金属标记。保乳术后照射的靶区域包括全乳,瘤床和区域淋巴结。病例均为病理证实Ⅰ、Ⅱ期乳腺癌病人。给予区域淋巴结放疗,照射野包括腋顶,锁骨上和内乳;腋窝淋巴结1~3个转移者,对原发肿瘤位于外象限者可单纯照射锁骨上区,对位于内象限者,行内乳区加锁骨上照射。切线照射一般采用内,外切线野半束照射,照射靶区边界一般定界为:内界为胸骨中线,外界为腋中线,下界为乳房下1~2cm,上界在胸廓入口或与锁骨上野的下界相接 ......
