【摘要】 目的 提高医院护理继续医学教育档案的管理质量,为医院制定护理人员中长期培训计划和实施提供参考依据。方法 明确归档范围,注重护理继续医学教育材料的收集与整理。结果 我院护理继续医学教育档案上了一个新台阶。结论 制度化、规范化、动态化管理护理继续医学教育档案,对提高医院护理质量发挥了重要作用,有利于促进卫生事业健康持续发展。【关键词】 医院护理;继续医学教育档案;动态化管理
【Abstract】Objective To improve the management quality of nursing continuing medical education files,provide a reference for nurses to develop and implement long-term training programs.Methods Archiving clear scope,focusing on nursing continuing medical education materials collection and collation.Result The management of nursing continuing medical education files was improved.Conclusion There was imported function on improve nursing quality of Institutionalization ......
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