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http://www.100md.com 2012年4月1日 《中国保健营养·中旬刊》 20124
     【摘 要】目的:探讨脑出血病人并发上消化道出血的观察与护理。方法:对10例脑出血并发上消化道出血病人进行消化道出血先兆、血压和尿量、黑便(排出次数、量、质)、抗酸药物反应的观察,在一般护理的基础上,做好皮肤、饮食、心理、口腔、肛周的护理,并辅助医生对出血者进行用药护理。结果:10例脑出血并发上消化道出血病人自动出院2例,经过止血治疗和护理好转出院4例。结论:规范、科学的观察与护理是治疗脑出血并发上消化道出血病人的重要环节。

    【关键词】脑出血;并发症;上消化道出血; 护理

    【中图分类号】R 743.34 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004- 7484(2012)04- 0156- 01

    【Abstract】objective: to study the cerebral hemorrhage patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding the observation and nursing. Methods: 10 cases of cerebral hemorrhage and upper gastrointestinal bleeding patients in gastrointestinal bleeding, blood pressure and aura urine, black and(eduction number, quantity and quality), acid resistance and drug reaction of observation, in general nursing, and on the basis of the skin, make diet, psychology, oral and perianal nursing care and support of doctors to use the bleeding nursing. Results: 10 cases of cerebral hemorrhage and upper gastrointestinal bleeding patient discharged themselves in 2 cases, after hemostatic treatment and nursing better discharge 4 cases. Conclusion: standard and scientific observation and nursing is the treatment cerebral hemorrhage and upper gastrointestinal bleeding the important link of the patient. ......

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