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http://www.100md.com 2010年10月1日 《上海预防医学》 2010年第10期
     (浙江省温州市鹿城区妇幼保健所, 浙江 温州325000)



    Discuss the impact factors on premarital health and its pattern

    Zhou jiang-liu. Health center for women and children of Lucheng District. Wenzhou. (325000)

    【Abstracts】:Objective:To provide a scientific basis on developing a reasonable strategy for popularizing premarital health by our government, we survey the relevant information of premarital health in the citizen of Lucheng District in marriage.Methods:Using stratified cluster sampling method,300 cases in each group were extracted from the citizens who participated in premarital health or not.The statistical analysis:the data within groups was analyzed with X2 test and logistic regression was used in the multivariate analysis.Results: The univariate analysis indicated that 22 factors were significant different between the group with premarital health and that without premarital health(P<0.05).The multivariate analysis indicated that“understanding content of the checkups”and “knowing the benefits of premarital health” were the most important factors which affected the activity to participate premarital health. The OR value were 4.731 and 322.957, respectively.Concerning the rate of birth defect, there was no significant difference between the pregnanted group with premarital health and the group without premarital health(X2=0.068,P>0.05).Whereas, there was significant difference in the rate of birth defect between pregnanted and non-pregnanted groups with premarital health(X2=4.002,P<0.05).Conclusion: To reduce the birth defect and improve population quality, the government should as soon as possible set a policy to support the execution of premarital health. In addition, the health institution for married women should improve the operation mode to increase the rate of premarital health.

    【Key words】Premarital health;Birth defect;Affective factor;Mode


    1 资料与方法


    采用分层整群抽样方法,在鹿城区东片、中片、西片3个城区,均衡不同职业的前提下,每个城区按照20~24周岁、25~29周岁、30~34周岁、35~39周岁、40~44周岁5个年龄段,每个年龄段抽取60例,共抽取300例参加婚前保健的居民作为调查对象,另抽取300名不参加婚前保健的居民作为对照。共发出调查问卷658份,回收658份,有效答卷600份,回收率和有效率分别为100%及91.19%。婚育公民疾病资料来自2008年7月—2009年12月,在我所进行婚前保健人群,共计2 886对,由信息科进行疾病分类登记。新生儿出生缺陷资料来自2008年7月—2009年12月,在我区接产医院住院分娩,孕28周~产后7 d孕产妇,出生缺陷由专职人员填写《出生缺陷登记表》并上报我所信息科。


    调查问卷表整合相关专家研究成果并结合个人工作经验自行设计,通过专家咨询、预调查后修订而成,重测信度为0.86,内部一致性系数Cronbach′sα值为0.8453。为了确保调查方式的科学性和调查数据的真实性,调查表采用统一调查语,调查方式和填表要求遵循保密原则。, http://www.100md.com(周江流)
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