, http://www.100md.com
Abstract Objective:to explore the application of comfortable nursing in patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.Methods: 92 cases of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in our hospital from 20168 months of 20168 months were selected. According to the order of operation, the patients were divided into the observation group and the control group in 46 cases, providing the comfortable nursing service for the patients in the intervention group, providing the general operation care for the control group, and evaluating the pain and anxiety score of the two groups after the operation.Results: before intervention, the results of anxiety score of the two groups were not statistically significant (t=0764, P>005), and the scores of anxiety in the observation group were better than those of the control group (t=11836, P<005). The anxiety scores of the two groups after intervention were lower than those before intervention, P<005After the intervention, the pain score of the observation group was better than that of the control group (t=22369, P<005). Conclusion: nurses provide comfortable nursing intervention for patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which can effectively improve the pain and anxiety scores of patients.
, 百拇医药
Key words: operation; Laparoscope; gallbladder; nursing care
12方法观察组:⑴生理护理:观察患者生命体征变化,协助患者取舒适体位,主动关心患者,对存在焦虑不安状态的患者,积极安抚,告知手术结果,告知患者麻醉后肢体会暂时失去知觉,缓解患者焦躁情绪。术后增加巡視次数,加强护患沟通,及时关注患者精神状态,避免意外坠床。监测患者呼吸状态,指导患者有效咳嗽技巧,保持呼吸通畅。⑵心理护理:为患者介绍腹腔镜微创手术的优势,介绍手术结果,为患者列举其它同类型患者治疗成功经验,提高患者康复信心。⑶社会支持:联合家属共同关心患者,鼓励亲朋好友积极探视,鼓励家属多陪伴患者,避免让其独处;重视患者主诉,对疼痛感明显的患者,积极处理,可在非治疗时间内播放轻音乐,根据患者喜好选择,帮助转移患者注意力,减轻疼痛感。为患者提供肢体按摩,每日带领患者共同进行深呼吸运动,告知肌肉松弛训练技巧[3]。, 百拇医药(刘立萍)
, http://www.100md.com
Abstract Objective:to explore the application of comfortable nursing in patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.Methods: 92 cases of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in our hospital from 20168 months of 20168 months were selected. According to the order of operation, the patients were divided into the observation group and the control group in 46 cases, providing the comfortable nursing service for the patients in the intervention group, providing the general operation care for the control group, and evaluating the pain and anxiety score of the two groups after the operation.Results: before intervention, the results of anxiety score of the two groups were not statistically significant (t=0764, P>005), and the scores of anxiety in the observation group were better than those of the control group (t=11836, P<005). The anxiety scores of the two groups after intervention were lower than those before intervention, P<005After the intervention, the pain score of the observation group was better than that of the control group (t=22369, P<005). Conclusion: nurses provide comfortable nursing intervention for patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which can effectively improve the pain and anxiety scores of patients.
, 百拇医药
Key words: operation; Laparoscope; gallbladder; nursing care
12方法观察组:⑴生理护理:观察患者生命体征变化,协助患者取舒适体位,主动关心患者,对存在焦虑不安状态的患者,积极安抚,告知手术结果,告知患者麻醉后肢体会暂时失去知觉,缓解患者焦躁情绪。术后增加巡視次数,加强护患沟通,及时关注患者精神状态,避免意外坠床。监测患者呼吸状态,指导患者有效咳嗽技巧,保持呼吸通畅。⑵心理护理:为患者介绍腹腔镜微创手术的优势,介绍手术结果,为患者列举其它同类型患者治疗成功经验,提高患者康复信心。⑶社会支持:联合家属共同关心患者,鼓励亲朋好友积极探视,鼓励家属多陪伴患者,避免让其独处;重视患者主诉,对疼痛感明显的患者,积极处理,可在非治疗时间内播放轻音乐,根据患者喜好选择,帮助转移患者注意力,减轻疼痛感。为患者提供肢体按摩,每日带领患者共同进行深呼吸运动,告知肌肉松弛训练技巧[3]。, 百拇医药(刘立萍)
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