当前位置: 首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 消化内科 > 胰腺疾病 > 胰腺炎 > 慢性胰腺炎
http://www.100md.com 2018年4月1日 《健康大视野》 2018年第7期


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    Abstract Objective: To investigate the perfusion parameters and diagnostic value of 64 slice spiral CT perfusion imaging in chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer and normal pancreas. Methods: 90 patients receiving pancreatic disease in our hospital in January -2018 January 2016 were divided into chronic pancreatitis group and pancreatic cancer group, 45 patients in each group, and 20 healthy persons were set as normal pancreas group, and the blood flow rate (BF), average passing time (MTT), and the average time (MTT) were compared between the three groups. Surface permeability (PS), blood volume (BV), peak value (PE), peak time (TTP), and their diagnostic value were discussed. Results: there were significant differences in BV, PE, PS and BF in pancreatic cancer group and normal pancreas group. There were significant differences in BF, MTT, PE and TTP in the group of chronic pancreatitis and BF, MTT, PE and TTP in the normal pancreas group. There was a significant difference between the pancreatic cancer group and the BF, BV, PE, MTT, and the chronic pancreatitis group. Conclusion: : in the diagnosis of pancreatic disease, 64 rows of spiral CT perfusion imaging can be used to diagnose chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer from the change of blood flow, and it has good clinical diagnostic value.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: 64 slice spiral CT perfusion imaging; pancreatic cancer; chronic pancreatitis



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    12方法对所有研究对象均采用64排螺旋CT灌注成像。在扫描之前协助病患进行呼吸训练,并叮嘱病患保证每次扫描的吸气幅度抑制[1],使用GE Lightspeed VCT扫描仪进行扫描。首先进行常规的腹部扫描,扫描范围为右膈到肾下极,对腹主动脉以及胰腺的情况进行观察[2],明确胰腺位置,设置扫描参数为:120KV/250mA、层间隔5mm、层厚5mm、旋转时间为06s、螺距984:1mm[3];

    其次进行胰腺灌注扫描:采用Cine full模式,正常者扫描范围为全部胰腺,病变者扫描范围为包含病变组织在内尽可能多的胰腺组织[4],设置扫描参数为:120KV/80mA、总曝光时间60s,层厚5mm/8i,将非离子型对比剂(注射流率3ml/s、碘海醇,370mg/ml,05ml/kg)采用静脉团注[5];, 百拇医药
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    参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 消化内科 > 胰腺疾病 > 胰腺炎 > 慢性胰腺炎