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[7] Faraci F M,Lents SR.Hyperhomocysteinemia,oxidativestress and cerebral vascular dysfunction[J].Stroke,2004,35(1):345-347.
[8] W elchGN,Upchu rch GR Jr,Loscalzo Z.H om ocystein e,ox ida·t ive stress and vascu lar d isease.H osp Pract,1997,32:81·92., 百拇医药(宋永涛段修梅)
[1] 王国珍,梁海燕,王传根.血清同型半胱氨酸水平与脑梗死的关系[J].中风与神经疾病杂志,2006,23(3):338-339.
[2] Loffredo L,Violi F,Fimognari F L,et al.The associationbetween hyperhomocysteinemia and ischemie strokein patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation[J].Haematologica,2005,90(9):1 205-1 211.
[3] Kiujo K,Saw H,Ohnishi Y,et al.Impact of high-sensitivityC-reacfiveprotein on predicting long-term mortalityof acute myocardial in arction[J].Am J Cardiol,2003,91(8):931-935.
[4] 中华神经科学会,中华神经外科学会.各类脑血管疾病诊断要点[J].中华神经科杂志,1996,29(6):379-380.2 Adams HP Jr,Bendixen BH,Kappelle LJ,et al.
[5] Malinow MR,Bostom A G,Newman C G,et al.Homocysteine,diet and cardiovascular diseases:a statementsfor heahhcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee,American Heart Association[J].Circulation,1999(99):178-182.
[6] Fisher M,Adams R D.Observations on brain embolism with specialreference to the mechanism of hemorrhagic infarction[J].J.Neuro—patho1.Exp.Neurol,1951,10(1):92-94.
[7] Faraci F M,Lents SR.Hyperhomocysteinemia,oxidativestress and cerebral vascular dysfunction[J].Stroke,2004,35(1):345-347.
[8] W elchGN,Upchu rch GR Jr,Loscalzo Z.H om ocystein e,ox ida·t ive stress and vascu lar d isease.H osp Pract,1997,32:81·92., 百拇医药(宋永涛段修梅)