中华医学会呼吸病学分会感染组.成人肺炎支原体肺炎诊治专家共识. 中华结核和呼吸杂志,2010年9月,vol 33,9:643-644
Yavlovich A,TarshisM,Rottem S.Internalization and intracellular survival of Mycop lasma pneumoniae by non·phagocytic cells[J].FEMSM icrobiol Lett,2004,233(2):241-246
MeseguerMA,AlvarezA,RejasMT,et a1.Mycop lasma pneumoniae:Areduced-genome intracellular bacterial pathogen[J].Infect Genet EvoL 2003,3(1):47-55.
Yang J,HooperWC,Phillip sDJ,et a1.Cytokines inMycop lasma pneu moniae infections[J]. Cytokine Grow th Factor Rev,2004,15(2-3):157·168.Bandrick M,Pieters M,Pijoan C,Molitor TW.Passive transfer of maternal Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae-specific cellular immunity to piglets Clin Vaccine Immuno1.2008 Mar; l5(3): 540·3.Epub 2008 Jan 9
Kuo ML,Huang JL,Yeh KW,Li PS,Hsieh KH Evaluation of Thl/Th2 ratio and ytokine production profile during acute exacerbation and convalescence in asthmatic children Ann Allergy Asthma lmmunol.2001 Mar;86(3):272-6
Chu HW,KraflM,KrauseJE,et a1.Substance P and its receptor neurokinin 1 expression in
Asthmatic airways[J].JAllergyClinImmunol,2000,106(4):713—722. 14, http://www.100md.com(廖剑敏 冯钢 李姣 张倩)
Yavlovich A,TarshisM,Rottem S.Internalization and intracellular survival of Mycop lasma pneumoniae by non·phagocytic cells[J].FEMSM icrobiol Lett,2004,233(2):241-246
MeseguerMA,AlvarezA,RejasMT,et a1.Mycop lasma pneumoniae:Areduced-genome intracellular bacterial pathogen[J].Infect Genet EvoL 2003,3(1):47-55.
Yang J,HooperWC,Phillip sDJ,et a1.Cytokines inMycop lasma pneu moniae infections[J]. Cytokine Grow th Factor Rev,2004,15(2-3):157·168.Bandrick M,Pieters M,Pijoan C,Molitor TW.Passive transfer of maternal Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae-specific cellular immunity to piglets Clin Vaccine Immuno1.2008 Mar; l5(3): 540·3.Epub 2008 Jan 9
Kuo ML,Huang JL,Yeh KW,Li PS,Hsieh KH Evaluation of Thl/Th2 ratio and ytokine production profile during acute exacerbation and convalescence in asthmatic children Ann Allergy Asthma lmmunol.2001 Mar;86(3):272-6
Chu HW,KraflM,KrauseJE,et a1.Substance P and its receptor neurokinin 1 expression in
Asthmatic airways[J].JAllergyClinImmunol,2000,106(4):713—722. 14, http://www.100md.com(廖剑敏 冯钢 李姣 张倩)