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http://www.100md.com 2018年12月15日 健康大视野 2018年第24期
     【摘 要】目的:探讨影响药物流产效果的因素。方法:选取接受药物流产孕妇116例作为研究对象,药物流产不全及失败的患者作为观察组,而药物流产成功的患者作为对照组进行分析,系统收集研究对象等信息,分析影响早孕药流结局的因素变量。结果:116例中完全流产100例(86.21%,100/116),不全流产12例及流产失败4例(13.79%,16/116),观察组年龄平均(32.86±4.12)岁、孕囊直径(2.71±0.38)cm、存在精神紧张43.80%、未婚31.25%、流产次数(1.77±0.18)次、后倾屈位子宫37.50%、具有剖宫产史40.00%高于对照组的(26.95±3.55)岁、(2.11±0.39)cm、10.00%、8.00%、(1.25±0.19)次、8.00%、28.00%(P<0.05),为导致药物流产不全及失败的因素。结论:影响药物流产因素复杂,需要对药物适应症、禁忌症进行严格掌握,加强用药前咨询和用药后随访。

    【关键词】 药物流产;效果;影响因素;分析
, http://www.100md.com
    【中图分类号】R181.3+2 【文献标志码】B 【文章编号】1005-0019(2018)24-079-01

    Abstract Objective:To explore the effect factors influencing of drug abortion. Method: 116 pregnant women who received medical abortion were selected as the study subjects,Patients with incomplete and unsuccessful drug abortion were treated as observation group,the patients with successful drug abortion were analyzed as control group,Systematically collect information such as research objects,the factors influencing the outcome of drug abortion in early pregnancy were analyzed. Result: Among 116 cases, 100 cases (86.21%, 100/116) had complete abortion,12 cases of incomplete abortion and 4 cases of abortion failure (13.79%, 16/116). The observation group average age (32.86±4.12) years,the diameter of gestational sac (2.71±0.38) cm,mental stress 43.80%, Unmarried31.25%,the number of abortions (1.77±0.18),the retroversion and flexion uterus 37.50% , the patients with cesarean section history 40.00% were higher than those in the control group (26.95±3.55), (2.11±0.39) cm, 10.00%, 8.00%, (1.25±0.19) times, 8.00% and 28.00% (P<0.05), which were the factors leading to incomplete and unsuccessful drug abortion. Conclusion: The factors affecting drug abortion are complex. It is necessary to strictly grasp the indications and contraindications of drugs, and strengthen the consultation before and follow-up after medication.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Drug abortion; Effect; Influencing factors; Analysis


    1 对象与方法

    1.1 对象 选取2015年1月至2018年10月自愿接受药物流产孕妇116例作为研究对象,经妇产科行血液、尿液HCG检查、超声检查结合病史确诊为早孕,B超检查显示宫内妊娠,所有患者经检查确认没有出血性疾病也不存在药物禁忌情况;无严重心、肝、肾疾病及出血性病,无药物流产禁忌症。应用非司酮联合米索前列腺醇实施药物流产。其中年龄最小的只有19岁,最大为40岁,平均年龄为25.7岁,平均年龄(28.45±3.22)岁;停经时间为34至40d,平均(41.08±2.34)d。

    1.2 药物流产失败的判定标准[3] 完全流产:用药7天后,有完整的孕囊排出,或经B超检查显示子宫内无孕囊,子宫恢复正常,且15天内阴道出血症状自行缓解。不完全流产:用药7天后,可见孕囊自行排出,但排出孕囊后,阴道出血时间较长,且出血量多,宫腔内有残留物,需进行清宫手术。流产失败:用药7天后,未排出孕囊,妊娠试验结果显示为阴性,且经B超检查,确认宫腔内仍存在孕囊,需进行负压吸引手术终止妊娠。, http://www.100md.com(潘利娟)
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    参见:首页 > 保健版 > 两性时空 > 受孕避孕 > 意外怀孕 > 怀孕确诊