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【摘要】 目的探讨金属食管支架置入的方法治疗食管癌性狭窄的适应证、并发症问题。 方法 统计分析我院2001年3月到2008年1月共行食管支架置入治疗食癌性狭窄369例,比较内镜,X线透视及内镜X线透视相结合三种食管支架置入方法的优缺点、操作时间、术后并发症的差异。 结果三种食管支架置入方法在操作时间、术后食道扩张直径比较无明显差异,内镜与X线透视相结合的方法在定位,安装及调整上能弥补单纯内镜直视下或单纯X线监视下置入支架的不足,减少术后并发症。 结论 中晚期食管癌置入带膜支架采用X线监视+内镜直视法优于单纯内镜或X线透视法,其方法便捷,安全性好,并发症少,能改善患者症状,提高生活质量。
【关键词】食管肿瘤 支架治疗 内镜检查 X线透视
中国图分类号:R655.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-0515(2010)08-181-02
【Abstract】ObjectiveDiscussion of the indications and complications in the treatment of esophageal stenosisusedmetal esophageal stenting . MethodsStatistical analysis of our hospital in the treatment of esophageal stent stenosis 369 cases of cancer from March 2001 to January 2008. Comparison of endoscopic, X-ray fluoroscopy and X-ray endoscopic combination of three methods of esophageal stent placement advantages and disadvantages, operation time, the differences in postoperative complications.ResultsIt was no significant difference compared with three methods of esophageal stent placement in the operation time, postoperative esophageal diameter expansion. Endoscopy and X-ray method in a combination of positioning , installation and simple adjustments could be better than Endoscopic or Simple X-ray surveillance stenting,and reduce post-operative complications.ConclusionsIn advanced esophageal stent placement using X-ray monitor + Endoscopic is superior to simple X-ray method or endoscopic method,it is safety, and fewer complications, patients can improve symptoms, improve the quality of life .
【Key words】 Esophageal tumorStent in the treatment ofEndoscopyX-ray fluoroscopy
1 对象与方法
通过科室记录结合病历,电话追踪随访,采用人工及计算机结合的方法,收集我院2001年3月到2008年1月行食管支架置入治疗食癌性狭窄369例。年龄35~87岁其中男性312例,女性57例。中位年龄57岁。全部病例均明确诊断食道癌Ⅱ~ Ⅳ期(VICC食管癌2002年第6 版TNM 分期标准)[2]。吞咽困难指数Ⅲ~ Ⅳ级(0级吞咽正常, Ⅰ级能吞咽半固体食物, Ⅱ级吞咽软的食物, Ⅲ级吞咽流质食物,Ⅳ级完全不能进食) [1] 。病变长度3.8~9.7cm ,病变位于上段29例,中段204例,下段136 例。其中合并食管气管瘘57例,食管纵隔瘘3例。全组病例有46例已伴发其它脏器转移(纵隔、心包、肺、肝、胃及腹腔淋巴结)。患者术前均伴有不同程度的营养不良。
1.2.2X线透视法:用西门子Hicor血管造影机作口服30 %泛影普胺食管造影,显示病变部位,测量病变长度及直经,选择合适的支架 ......