【摘要】目的 对直肠癌患者围术期的护理观察。方法 我院2005年2月~2010年2月共收住108例直肠癌患者,均出现不同程度的焦急和恐惧心理,表现为情绪激动、遇事爱发怒、多疑敏感,遇到恢复不顺利容易出现悲观和绝望心理。结果 本组患者住院时间为15~58d,出院时精神状况良好.结论 患者及家属均感到满意。【关键词】直肠癌 护理 对策
Perioperative nursing patients with rectal cancer and Countermeasures
CAO Yi, DAI Guang yin
Nanxi County, Sichuan Province People's Hospital 644100
【Abstract】Objective Perioperative patients with rectal cancer nursing observation. Methods From February 2005 ~ February 2010 a total of 108 patients with rectal cancer were admitted to, all with varying degrees of anxiety and fear, expressed as emotional distress when they love angry, suspicious sensitive, do not experience a smooth recovery prone to pessimism and desperation. Results The hospitalization time was 15 ~ 58d, discharged in good spirit. Conclusion Patients and their families were satisfied.
【Key words】cancer nursingstrategy
直肠癌是从直肠乙状结肠交界处至齿状线之间的癌肿,是消化系统常见的恶性肿瘤,发病率高,在我国占全身肿瘤的第三位 ......
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