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http://www.100md.com 2011年1月1日 吴炳菊 王海蓉


     【摘要】目的 比较两种带教方法对护生实习效果的影响,找到更好的带教方法。方法 对2009年7月—2010年4月在我科实习的护生随机分成对照组(奇数月份)和实验组(偶数月份)两个组,对照组采用口头入科介绍,介绍的内容:工作态度和组织纪律及工作环境,实践操作,管理能力,习惯养成,再由跟定的带教老师对护生的实习全面负责。实验组与前者入科介绍内容相同,采用口头介绍,再将入科介绍内容书面化,供护生之间学习讨论。入科介绍后分给指定的老师带教,采用单独和集中讲解与练习结合的方式,按制定的教学计划每周进行理论和操作培训,制定评价表并由带教老师评价护生工作态度,熟悉工作环境的时间及工作流程的时间,参与护理协作的熟练程度,5s管理,查对等习惯进行评价,实习结束时进行出科理论与操作考试,护士长发放实习生带教满意调查表,作为实习效果判断。结果 实验组在熟悉工作环境,平时提问,出科理论考试,出科操作考试,护生实习满意度方面优于对照组,p<0.05,有统计学意义。在熟悉工作流程,熟练参与护理协作,5S管理理念,查对习惯等方面有待进一步研究和改进。实验组护生实习效果明显优于对照组。结论 采用后者带教形式更加正规,护生容易适应,实习效果更显著。

    【关键词】带教 护生 实习效果


    【Abstract】Objective To compare two methods of teaching .influence onthe practice effects of nursing students and to find better ways of teaching .Methods Practice nursing students were randomly divided into control group (odd months) and experimental group (even months) during July 2009 to April 2010 in our department . control group was orally introduced into the Section. The introduction content includes : Work attitudes and organizational discipline and working environment, practical operation, management ability, habits, and then the teacher designated was overall responsibility for training nursing students.The experimental group was introduced the same content as the former, oral presentation used, and then the introduction content was written for study and discussion among nursing students. The students were assigned to the designated teacher after introduced.By separated or concentrated teaching , combined with practice and according to the teaching program , students were developed theoretical and hands-on training per week. . Evaluation form was developed,and then teachers evaluated nursing students’ work attitude, the time of familiar withthe working environment and workflow , proficiency in participating in collaborative care,, 5smanagement, Check and other habits. theory and operation tests were carried at the end of the departmental rotation ......
