【摘要】目的 探讨强直性脊柱炎(AS)的临床表现特点, 分析误诊原因, 从而减少误诊。方法 回顾性分析2002年2月至2009年12月确诊的35例AS患者的临床资料,以及被误诊的27例AS患者的原因。结果 35例AS患者初诊时误诊为其他疾病共27例, 误诊率高达77%; 误诊的时间从4个月至19年不等, 其中约有近2/3患者是在3~ 5年内才被确诊。误诊的原因包括对疾病的认识不足、过分依赖实验室检查等。结论 AS由于早期的临床首发症状多表现为腰痛,均无特异性,易被误诊, 应提高对AS早期临床表现特点及实验室检查结果的认识,减少误诊。【关键词】脊柱炎 强直性 误诊
Ankylosing spondylitis of 27 cases of misdiagnosis
CHEN An-ping
Liuyang City, Hunan Province People's Hospital, Second Department bone 410300
【Abstract】Objective ankylosing spondylitis (AS) of the clinical characteristics, analysis of the causes of misdiagnosis, thus reducing misdiagnosis. Methods A retrospective study from February 2002 to December 2009 35 cases of confirmed clinical data of patients with AS, and 27 cases were misdiagnosed cause of AS patients. Results 35 cases were newly diagnosed AS misdiagnosed as other diseases were 27 cases ......
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