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【摘要】目的 探讨镇痛分娩对剖宫产率的影响。方法 于2010年1月对中山市妇幼保健院产科门诊的孕妇进行问卷调查,根据调查结果制定健康教育方案及实施办法。将2010年1~7月在该院产检的孕妇分为研究组及对照组,对研究组的孕妇进行健康教育并接受镇痛分娩;对照组的孕妇则按正常程序产检,接受健康教育,未行镇痛分娩。结果 研究组共有230位孕妇接受健康教育联合镇痛分娩技术,其剖宫产率为22.61%,对照组260位孕妇接受健康教育且未选择镇痛分娩技术,其剖宫产率43.58%,两组孕妇的剖宫产率存在统计学意义上的差别(x2=23.761; P<0.05)。在研究组的孕妇中有 24.39 %最终因社会因素剖宫产分娩,而在对照组的孕妇中则有42.49%终因社会因素剖宫产分娩,两者差别有统计学意义。结论 健康教育联合镇痛分娩能有效降低剖宫产率,其下降因素与镇痛分娩减少无指征因素导致剖宫产有关。
【关键词】健康教育 镇痛分娩 剖宫产率
中图分类号:R172 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)6-002-02
Clinical Analysis of Health Education Combined with Analgesic Delivery to decrease Cesarean section rate
【Abstract】Objective To investigate the effect on the Cesarean Delivery Rate of health education combined analgesia delivery. Methods The health education scheme and implementation measures were drawed up according to the results of the questionaire. The pregnant women in Out-patients department were divided into two groups: control group and experimental group. the pregnancy women received health education combined with analgesic delivery in experimental group, while the pregnant women received health education but not select analgesic delivery in control group. Results The Cesarean section rate of control group was 43.58%, while the rate of experimental group was 22.61%. The Cesarean section rate was significantly different between the two groups(x2=23.761; P<0.05). Compared with control group, the rate of pregnant women who select cesarean section because of social factor in experimental group had decreased obviously. Conclusion Comprehensive health education combined with analgesic delivery may effectively reduce cesarean section rate , which related to analgesic delivery reducing the amount of pregnant women who select cesarean section because of social factor.
【Key words】Health education Analgesia delivery cesarean delivery rate
近年来,我院剖宫产率的不断升高,剖宫产率为45% ~50%,如何降低剖宫产率,是摆在广大产科工作者面前的一项重要任务。本文通过采取健康教育联合镇痛分娩技术,降低了剖宫产率,现将结果报告如下:
1 对象与方法
1.1对象研究组为2010年1~7月在中山市市妇幼保健院定期产检、愿意接受镇痛分娩接受健康教育为期一年。对照组为相同时期准备在中山市市妇幼保健院产检,不同意接受镇痛分娩,但接受一年全方位健康教育孕妇260例,两组孕妇均为年龄20~35岁,孕周37~41周,无产科、内外科合并症、有阴道分娩条件,两组产妇的年龄、孕周、体重、身高无显著差异(P>0. 05)。
1.3干预措施①产科医护人员健康教育:于2009年,采取集中讲课的形式对产科医护人员全员进行4学时的培训 ......