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【摘要】目的 了解上海市闵行区梅陇社区60岁以上体检人群中高尿酸血症发生率及与相关因素的关系。方法 对2009年11~12月在上海市闵行区梅陇社区健康体检的7126例60岁以上体检人群进行血尿酸、肾功能、血脂测定并进行高尿酸血症检出率及其他相关因素的统计分析。结果 高尿酸血症检出率男性762/3063 , 女性为336/4063 , 男性显著高于女性, 差异有统计学意义。高尿酸血症组高血压、高血糖、高肌酐、高尿素氮、高甘油三酯血症发病率与非高尿酸血症组比较有显著差异(P<0.01) , 高尿酸血症组合并高胆固醇与非高尿酸血症组比较无统计学意义(P>0.25)。结论 高尿酸血症与性别、高血压、高血糖、高尿素氮、高肌酐、高甘油三酯血症密切相关。
【关键词】高尿酸血症 流行病学
中图分类号:R194.3 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)7-414-02
The Investigation and Analysis of correlation between Hyperuricaemia and
Related Factors among people over age 60 in Shanghai Meilong community
Liu Min/Bai Xiaoming/Zhang Ruifeng
【Abstract】Objective to understand the correlation between Hyperuricaemia incidence and its relevant factors among people over age 60 in Shanghai Meilong community.Methods conduct statistical analysis towards 7126 cases of people over the age of 60 ,who have being examined in Meilong community health center On Nov and December 2009, regarding serum uric acid, renal function, blood lipid determination and the detection rate of hyperuricemia and other relevant factors.Results Detection rate of hyperuricemia is, Male 762/3063, Female 336/4063, Males were significantly higher than females, the difference was statistically significant.Hyperuricemia of hypertension, high blood sugar, high creatinine, high blood urea nitrogen, hypertriglyceridemia and non-incidence of hyperuricemia group were significantly different (P<0.01), high mix and high uric acid Cholesterol and non-hyperuricemia group was not statistically significant (P>0.25).Conclusion hyperuricemia and Gender, hypertension,high blood sugar, high BUN, high creatinine, hypertriglyceridemia is closely related.
【Key words】 Hyperuricaemia Epidemiology
近年来,由于生活水平的不断提高,饮食结构的变化及预防保健措施的相对滞后,高尿酸血症已成为老年人的常见病和多发病,其患病率为15%[1] 。为探讨上海老人高尿酸血症血尿酸的发生率及与相关因素的关系,对2009年11~12月在上海市闵行区梅陇社区健康体检的60岁以上体检人群的相关资料进行分析,报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 研究对象 采取全样本整群抽样的方法,将2009年11~12月在上海市闵行区梅陇社区卫生服务中心进行健康体检的60岁以上体检人群共7126例作为调查对象。其中男性3063例,女性4063例,年龄60-89岁。
1.2 方法 全部受检者禁食12 h以上,次日清晨测血压,抽取空腹静脉血标本,采用酶学法测定血尿酸、尿素、总胆固醇、甘油三酯、葡萄糖、苦味酸法测定肌酐并进行高尿酸血症检出率及其他相关因素的统计分析。
1.3 诊断标准 ①高尿酸血症参照内科学(2008年7版823页)诊断标准:> 420μmol/L[2]。②、尿素氮( BUN)、肌酐(Cr)参照临床诊断标准:分别大于7.2 mmol/L、127μmol/L为异常 ......