【摘要】目的 调查锡林郭勒盟二连浩特市流行性腮腺炎疫情发生情况,及时有效控制疫情,为今后防治积累经验。方法 通过对病例进行流行病学调查,掌握疫情并进行疫情处置。结论 该流行性腮腺炎疫情为暴发疫情。【关键词】流行性腮腺炎 流行病学调查
中图分类号:R181.8 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)10-368-01
Xilinguole Meng of an outbreak of mumps survey
Eerdunmutu Tian Haibin
(Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Xilin Gol Leaguea and Dongwuzhumuqin County026300In Inner Mongolia epidemiologists Dongwuzhumuqin County 026000)
【Abstract】ObjectiveInvestigation of Xilinguole Meng Erenhot City, a mumps outbreak occurrence. Methods Timely and effective control of the epidemic, accumulated experience for future prevention and treatment. Conclusion The mumps epidemic outbreak
【Key words】 mumps Epidemiological investigation
2011年4月6日锡林郭勒盟二连浩特市医院报告二连市蒙古族学校出现流行性腮腺炎病例4例 ......
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