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http://www.100md.com 2010年5月1日 李文龙 陈桂茹 李 辉 赵宝玲 潘 静


     [摘要] 目的了解北京市通州区某镇外来流动男性农民工对艾滋病的认知、态度及行为(KAP)状况,确定相关影响因素,为今后在该人群中采取针对性的艾滋病宣传策略提供依据。方法随机抽取通州区某镇2个建筑工地,1个工厂作为调查点,采用标准访谈方式,对外来流动男性农民工进行艾滋病KAP调查。结果共调查365人,艾滋病知识总知晓率为71.1%,其高低与文化程度、来京年限密切相关;有90.4%的人认为应该同情和关怀艾滋病病人,7.1%的人有非婚性伴,其中最近一次与非婚性伴发生性行为时有26.9%使用安全套。结论农村地区流动男性农民工是一个特殊人群,艾滋病认知水平相对较高,但防范意识尚欠缺,存在艾滋病知识与发生高危险行为不一致现象;对婚外性行为持较宽容态度,部分人群有婚外性行为,存在感染HIV的风险;安全套使用率低,应加大安全套使用的推广力度;充分利用电视、报刊等大众传媒,开展形式多样的艾滋病宣传教育。

    [关键词] 外来流动男性农民工;艾滋病;知识;态度;行为

    [中图分类号] R684[文章标识码]A[文章编号]

    Survey on the KAP of AIDS in floating male workers in A town of Tongzhou district.

    Li Wen-long. ChenGui-ru Li Hui Zhao Bao-ling Pan Jing

    (The Second hospital of Tongzhou District of Beijing, Beijing 101102,China)

    [Abstract] Objective To study the migrant male workers about the conditions of knowledge、attitude、practice (KAP) of AIDS. It could provide basic data and instruction for aiming at developing health education. Methods2 construction site and 1 factory in a town of Tongzhou district was randomly chosen for the interview and were exemplified by standard interviews for migrant male workers KAP AIDS research. Results 365 people was investigated. The total awaring rate about AIDS was 71.1%, which were closely correlated to their education degree and how long did they come to Beijing. 90.4% of them thout that we should show sympathy and solicitude to AIDS patients. 5.8%had sexual behavior out of marriage. Only 26.9% used condom in the last out of marriage sex. Conclusions Male migrant workers is a special crowd. Their AIDS awareness comparatively better than normor,but short in prevent .Their high risk with AIDS knowledge actions do not match their high disk behavior. Sex outside of marriage is tolerant attitude, part of the people have sex outside marriage. They had the risk of HIV infection. Condom using rate was low. So condom using should be strengthened and extensed. Furthermore, mass media ,such as television, newspapers and magazines etc should be use to broadcast the knowledge of AIDS.

    [Key words] Migrant male workers;AIDS;Knowledge; attitude; behavior ......
