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[摘要]目的探讨苏州高新区手足口病流行特征,为制定该地区手足口病疾控策略提供思路及依据。 方法使用国家疾病监测信息报告管理系统监测2009年手足口病发病情况,并运用Excel分析软件作图表描述、描述流行病学方法进行分析。 结果手足口病发病以5岁及以下年龄组为主,占总报告病例数的92.4%;男性病例多于女性,男女性别比为1.51:1;且以幼托儿童和散居儿童为主,占总报告病例数的96.7%。疫情分布广泛, 全区8个行政街道均有病例报告,发病率较高的为浒关、横塘和通安街道。疫情从4月份开始呈现上升趋势,7月份达到最高峰,8月份起疫情有所回落,10月份又有小幅上升。 结论 苏州高新区2009年度手足口病发生存在季节、地区和年龄差异,今后应大力开展健康教育,在夏秋季节加强手足口病疫情监测,提高实验室诊断率。防控重点对象为托幼机构和小学低年级学生。
[关键词]手足口病; 流行特征
[中图分类号] R183[文献标识码]A [文章编号] 1005-0515(2010)-9-021-01
Epidemiological analysis on hand-foot-mouth(HFMD) disease in 2009 in Suzhou New District,Jiangsu
ZHANG Yun-hong ,LI Jin-fang ,Wu Yi
(Suzhou New District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jiangsu 251011,China)
[Abstract]ObjectiveThis study is to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of HFMD in Suzhou New District (SND). It can also be used as a reference information for establish a practical control strategy and working solution for HFMD control and prevention. Methods Based on the information of HFMD in SND in 2009, by China information system for disease control and prevention, conduct statistic data and chart analysis of epidemiological phenomenon with Excel Software. Results Most of HFMD cases were children under 5 years old, accounted for 92.4%. Cases in male are more than those in female, with male-to -female ratio of 1.51 to 1.The most cases were children in kindergartens and family raised kids, which are accounted for 96.7%. The cases are widely distributed in all eight districts in SND. The morbidity were relatively high in Xuguan, Hengtang and Tongan areas. The case had the tendency to rise from April, and reached its peak in July, then fell back in August. It got a slightly up in October. Conclusion The HFMD is affected by season and age differences.We should develop health education, strengthen monitoring in the summer and autumn seasons, and fasten laboratory diagnosis rate. The special target group should be the children in kindergarten as well as students in primary.
[Keywords]hand-foot-mouth disease; epidemiological characteristics ......