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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 《中国健康月刊·A版》 2011年第3期
     [摘要] 对蒙药玉簪花进行了化学成分、药理作用、质量控制、临床研究等方面的文献研究综述,并提出具体应用中存在的问题及下一步研究思路。

    [关键词] 蒙药; 玉簪花; 综述

    [中图分类号] R93[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-03-304-01

    [Abstract] This is a comprehensive research of Mongolian medicine Flower of Fragrant Plantainlily, involving its chemicals, pharmacological effects, quality control and clinical research. And in this paper, the problems of using Flower of Fragrant Plantainlily, and the next research step are mentioned as well.

    [Keywords] Mongolian medicine; Flower of Fragrant Plantainlily; summary

    玉簪花出自《内蒙古蒙药材标准》 ......
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