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[摘要] 目的 通过对广州市2010年哨点新发现的HIV阳性患者和高危人群进行行为学调查,了解广州市艾滋病流行的主要疫情。方法 对广州市2010年哨点共采集4285份血清样本,新发现62例HIV阳性患者,并对62例HIV阳性患者和高危人群进行行为学调查,以了解该人群特征,吸毒相关高危行为,性相关高危行为,安全套使情况等,并对调查结果进行统计分析。结果 62例HIV阳性者感染的主要原因是:吸毒,高共用注射器率,性乱多性伴,低安全套使用率,多重高危行为。62例HIV阳性者在高危人群中吸毒人群占29例(46.77%),异性性传播占23例(37.09%)和MSM(男男性接触者)占8例(12.9%)是广州市艾滋病流行的主要人群。结论 吸毒人群HIV感染率保持稳定,异性性传播和MSM人群HIV感染率呈快速上升 ,HIV逐渐向一般人群扩散。
[关键词] HIV/AIDS; 高危人群; 行为学; MSM
[中图分类号] R512.91 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-05-299-02
Sentinel Behavior Surveillance Report on Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus —— Guangzhou 2010
Jinhan Xu1 Meilan Li1 Yongbiao Wei1 Huifang Xu2 Zhigang Han2
(1 Hongchang Han Stomatology Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510140, China,2 Guangzhou Disease Control and Prevention Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510140, China.)
[Abstract] Objective To survey behavior surveillance of the new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients and related high risk people collected from the sentinels in Guangzhou in 2010 for epidemiological study of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Methods We collected 4285 serum samples from 4285 people at the sentinels in Guangzhou in 2010. Among them, 62 new HIV positive patients and related high risk people were required to complete a behavior surveillance questionnaire. Features in the group and the items related high risk on sex, condom use, and high risk drug use, etc, were analyzed. Results The most inportant factor of the HIV infectioners uses drug ,High rates of shared injectors with others,Sex with more than one person,Lower rates of condom use,More than one high risk behavior .In this group, 29 (46%) people had a history of drug use, 23 (37.09%) experienced heterosexual intercourse and 8 (12.9%) men ever had sex with men. These data were used to compare with those of 2009. Conlusion HIV infection rate among the drug user in 2010 is similar with that in 2009. HIV infection rate among the heterosexual intercourse people and men ever had sex with men increase rapidly in 2010 ......